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August 13, 2024

Philippines-United States Fourth 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue Outlines Concrete Opportunities to Enhance Alliance

JOINT STATEMENT ON THE PHILIPPINES-UNITED STATES FOURTH 2+2 MINISTERIAL DIALOGUE — https://philippineembassy-dc.org/joint-statement-on-the-philippines-united-states-fourth-22-ministerial-dialogue/
August 13, 2024

On July 30, Secretary of Foreign Affairs Enrique A. Manalo, Secretary of National Defense Gilberto Teodoro, Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken, and Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III convened the fourth Philippines-United States Ministerial Dialogue in Manila, the first 2+2 dialogue to be held in the Philippines. The dialogue focused on 4 key themes: fortifying a maturing and modern alliance, fostering economic resilience for a prosperous and sustainable future, ensuring respect for the rules-based order in the Indo-Pacific, and investing in people-to-people ties.

The Secretaries notably committed to the following, among other pledges:

  • Allocate USD 500 million in Foreign Military Financing (FMF) from the FY 2024 Indo-Pacific Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, working with US Congress

  • Increase investments in Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) agreed locations

  • Advance cybersecurity cooperation

  • Bolster maritime cooperative activities to promote security cooperation and expand operational coordination with other likeminded partners, including Australia and Japan.

  • Drive progress on identifying initial priority projects later this year for investment along the Luzon Economic Corridor

  • Continue collaborating to create more resilient, secure, and sustainable global value chains in critical sectors of mutual interest to the Philippines and the United States – to include in the Philippine and U.S. semiconductor industries – and to safeguard critical infrastructure and emerging technologies

  • Advance private sector-led investment opportunities across the Philippines in partnership with the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC)

  • Deepen coordination on issues related to the South China Sea

In a nutshell, the Secretaries discussed opportunities to capitalize the unprecedented momentum in US-Philippines alliance. The 2+2 ministerial dialogue follows the landmark Presidential Trade and Investment Mission in March, the implementation of the U.S.-Philippines 123 Agreement on civil nuclear cooperation in July, the proposed establishment of the first Development Finance Corporation regional office in Manila, and the inauguration of the Luzon Economic Corridor last May. The meeting was held as part of Secretary Austin’s 11th trip to the Indo-Pacific and Secretary Blinken’s 6-country Asia tour, underscoring the United States’ steadfast commitment to its Indo-Pacific allies and partners.

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