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July 19, 2023

Authorized Economic Operators Workshops (AEO) Seek to Empower ASEAN Customs Officials to Enhance Trade Facilitation

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July 19, 2023

From June 5 to 8, the WCO organized a sub-regional AEO workshop for AMS in Jakarta, Indonesia aimed at enhancing the knowledge and skills of Customs officials in implementing AEO programs and fostering customs-business partnerships. The sessions, where participants had the opportunity to share case studies, lessons learned, and best practices, focused on key topics such as AEO validation & authorization, mutual recognition of AEO programs, coordinated border management, AEO compliance & risk management, post-certification monitoring, stakeholder engagement strategies, and the challenges associated with increasing the level of SME participation in AEO programs. The workshop served as a platform for networking and knowledge sharing among Customs officials from different ASEAN countries, promoting the regional cooperation and harmonization of customs procedures, advanced trade facilitation, and strengthened customs administration in the region.

On May 30, the US-ASEAN Business Council, together with the EU-ASEAN Business Council, hosted a virtual dialogue on the AEO program, where speakers from the U.S. CBP and the Directorate-General Taxation and Customs Union (TAXUD) spoke on best practices for the implementation of a successful AEO program. Representatives from both agencies emphasized the importance of data and supply chain security. The virtual workshop created a platform for closer public and private dialogue on this important initiative. The business community sees the value of AEO Programs in advancing cross-border trade in ASEAN and the Joint Business Councils members stand ready to support the implementation of AEO programs among AMS through technical assistance and capacity building.

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