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Utami Headshot
Nugraheni Utami
Senior Country Representative
Utami is the Council’s Senior Country Representative in Indonesia. She joined in February 2019, leading the Council’s SME Program across ASEAN as a Senior Manager.

Formerly in the Indonesian Government (Ministry of Trade and Ministry of National Development Planning/BAPPENAS), she gained valuable experience collaborating with Senior Officials and understand the policy-making processes and implementation at the national and local levels. Especially in the areas of international trade cooperation and multilateral foreign funding.

Utami is the Council’s Country Representative in Indonesia since August 2023. Her journey with the Council began in February 2019 when she joined and led the Council’s SME Program across ASEAN as a Senior Manager.  
Early in her career, Utami gained valuable experience working for the Government of Indonesia in two key ministries. At the Ministry of Trade, she played an active role as a member of the Indonesia Task Force for the Ninth Ministerial Conference World Trade Organization, contributing to the coordination efforts for the conference held in Bali in 2013. The next year, Utami served as a program officer, assisting in the development of the Strategic Planning Document for Indonesia’s International Trade Cooperation for the period of 2015 to 2019.  Additionally, in the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, Utami worked closely with multilateral development organizations to prepare the New National Development Projects document spanning the same period. 

To further her knowledge and expertise, Utami was awarded a scholarship from the Australia Awards to pursue her Master of Public Policy at the Australian National University. Her academic pursuits complement her Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from Universitas Indonesia.

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