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Heidi Lepar
Heidi Lepar
Executive Assistant
Heidi joined the US-ASEAN Business Council as Executive Assistant, Indonesia in April 2015. Before joining the Council, Heidi dedicated herself to the Finest Italian Linen Company-Pratesi, Indonesia, for sixteen years as Senior Marketing Manager.

Heidi joined the US-ASEAN Business Council as Executive Assistant, Indonesia in April 2015. Before joining the Council, Heidi dedicated herself to the Finest Italian Linen Company-Pratesi, Indonesia, for sixteen years as Senior Marketing Manager. 

She led several departments, such as Human Resources, Accounting, Branding, Distribution, and Sales, plus played a large role as an Internal trainer overseeing 16 colleagues. In 2011-2014, Heidi shifted her focus to the property sector, specializing in land and warehousing. She deeply understands market trends and issues related to land and warehousing in Indonesia.  

Heidi graduated from Hotel and Tourism at Atma Jaya Catholic University, Jakarta.

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