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April 23, 2024

USABC Honors 75th Anniversary of US-Indonesia Diplomatic Relations

Authored by
Indo 75
April 23, 2024

(Washington, D.C.) – On April 19, the US-ASEAN Business Council (USABC) collaborated with the Embassy of Indonesia in Washington, D.C. to host a US-Indonesia economic roundtable and business forum. The panel was followed by a festive reception to kick off a series of events celebrating the 75th anniversary of US-Indonesia bilateral diplomatic relations. This milestone also coincides with USABC’s 40th anniversary this year, marking a dual celebration of partnership and progress. ​
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​The roundtable with American business executives featured Indonesia’s Finance Minister, Sri Mulyani Indrawati and Bank Indonesia Governor, Perry Warjiyo, accompanied by Charge d’affaires at the Indonesian Embassy Sade Bimantara. The discussion focused on strategies to promote a shared sustainable future under the theme of “Forging US-Indonesia Synergies for Sustainable Growth.” This theme fell in line with the visit of Deputy Minister Rachmat Kaimuddin to Washington where he also engaged with the U.S. Private sector to discuss renewable energy development efforts in Indonesia.
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​Finance minister Sri Mulyani spoke about Indonesia’s economic accomplishments to include economic resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic and the lowering of the inflation rate from 5.7 to 2.6 from 2023-2024. The finance minister explained Indonesia’s geopolitical vision as a friend and business partner to the U.S. and highlighted that the best way to secure a prosperous, ongoing partnership is through continued educational exchanges and uplifting of young, educated Indonesians who will lead the way in the country’s sustainable development and growth.
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​On a similar note, Governor Perry shared the importance of promoting financial literacy across Indonesia to ensure that all Indonesians can take advantage of foreign direct investment brought by global industry. He also cited the urgency of increased cybersecurity in the country as digital payment systems proliferate. As the U.S. and Indonesia, two of the world’s largest democracies, undergo political transitions this year, the Governor’s comments and dialogue at large also put special emphasis on the two nations’ pursuit of a future with shared values.
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​Marc Mealy, Chief Policy Officer and Senior Vice President of the US-ASEAN Business Council, highlighted that “as our two countries are preparing for political transitions in 2025, we hope this discussion will contribute to advancing US-Indonesia economic relations in areas of mutual interest ranging from critical minerals to electric vehicles and ICT development.”
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​Senior representatives from the U.S. Government, including Under Secretary of Commerce Marissa Lago and Under Secretary for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment Jose Fernandez also joined the reception event to celebrate the 75th US-Indonesia Anniversary.

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