Ministry of Health Launches Public Feedback Portal for Health White Paper

On April 18, the Ministry of Health (MOH) launched a public feedback portal for the national Health White Paper (HWP) to solicit inputs, suggestions, and feedback on its proposed healthcare reforms. In addition to gathering comments from the public, the portal also provides details on the white paper and major challenges currently faced by Malaysia’s healthcare system. In addition to launching the feedback portal, MOH has been conducting town hall sessions on the white paper throughout Malaysia to ensure that the white paper is holistic and inclusive before being presented to Parliament in June.
Over a 15-year period, the HWP seeks to address various gaps in Malaysia’s healthcare system to enable Malaysia to offer high-quality, equitable health services. The HWP addresses four pillars: transforming healthcare service delivery, promoting health and disease prevention, ensuring equitable and sustainable financing, and strengthening the foundations and governance of the healthcare system. Health Minister Dr. Zaliha Mustafa has previously stated that the MOH will work towards developing a national health insurance scheme if the HWP is approved by Parliament. Members can visit the portal (Bahasa Malaysia only) here.