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July 24, 2024

Laos and China Strengthen Agricultural Collaboration

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laos china agriculture
— https://kpl.gov.la/EN/detail.aspx?id=84289
July 24, 2024

Laos and China have initiated a collaborative effort to bolster Laos’s agricultural sector through a series of green and sustainable agriculture demonstration projects. A new Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed to implement these projects across ten southern provinces, with Oudomxay province as the initial focus. The agreement outlines a comprehensive plan to establish green and sustainable agriculture demonstration projects across ten northern provinces of Laos. It also aims to enhance agricultural productivity, improve crop quality, and promote sustainable farming practices. 

Key components of the collaboration include the demonstration and production of high-quality plant seeds, the introduction of modern farming techniques, and the development of a comprehensive agricultural service system. To support these endeavors, a Laos-China Demonstration Centre for Green and Sustainable Agriculture will be established. This center will serve as a hub for research, training, and knowledge sharing, promoting modern farming techniques and developing high-quality crop varieties. By improving agricultural practices and increasing farmers' incomes, the project aims to contribute significantly to Laos' economic and social development.   

Another crucial aspect of the project is the establishment of a sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) inspection facility to ensure that Laotian agricultural products meet international standards, facilitating access to export markets. Ultimately, this initiative seeks to transform Laos' agricultural sector by combining traditional knowledge with modern technology, fostering sustainable practices, and empowering farmers to improve their livelihoods. 

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