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October 21, 2024

Chinese Presence in Cambodia Continues to Pose Security Challenge

cambodia naval base
A satellite image shows a pier at Cambodia's Ream Naval Base, with ships docked there in December 2023 and April 2024. (Courtesy of BlackSky)
October 21, 2024

China's growing military presence at Cambodia's Ream Naval Base has raised significant concerns in Washington, particularly due to its potential impact on regional security, amidst rising U.S.-China tensions. The base could provide China with a strategic southern flank in the South China Sea, which could be advantageous in a conflict scenario, including over Taiwan. The controversy began in 2019 with reports of a secret deal, and in 2024, satellite images revealed two Chinese Type A56 corvettes docked at a new Chinese-built pier, heightening concerns about China's expanding influence in Cambodia. 

Cambodia, however, denies granting China exclusive access to the base. Deputy Prime Minister Sun Chanthol had openly stated during his recent Washington visit that once the expansion—funded by China—is complete, the base would be open to all friendly navies, including the U.S. Despite this, the presence of Chinese warships and ongoing naval exercises has led to questions about Cambodia's long-term neutrality, as well as its constitutional ban on permanent foreign military presence. 

Cambodia is caught in the middle of this intensifying U.S.-China rivalry, with internal politics influencing future defense policies. Cambodia's ties with China, especially over Ream Naval Base, can be seen as a strategic move to counterbalance more powerful neighbors like Thailand and Vietnam. For China, the base offers not only a platform for power projection but also intelligence gathering that could prove crucial in future conflict scenarios. 

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